How does SEO Boost Sales? Let us Show You Some Real Examples

by | SEO

Does SEO really boost sales, and if so, how?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is, first and foremost, a digital marketing strategy and a term that often gets thrown around.

Nonetheless, SEO can funnel new visitors to your website even when you’re offline. That is, with the proper practices.

Yes, this means your business will be reeling in the big bucks as well.

Organic traffic to your website certainly helps you gain traction, but increasing sales is the ultimate goal at the end of the day.

Therefore, an SEO sales strategy should push efforts specifically on how it can boost leads and sales.

How an SEO Strategy can Boost Conversions & Sales

In the past, a front-page listing meant more calls, which is the equivalent of ranking on Google’s first page. Except for this time, it’s more clicks!

Search Engine Watch showed that mobile searches for local services or products resulted in purchases 61% of the time. The math speaks for itself. 

So, it’s fairly evident that the proper SEO strategy can help you streamline the sales process by reaching prospective customers.

Moreover, SEO and keyword research target a specific audience depending on their search terms, thereby directing the right users to your site.

You might even see some prompt results, but rest assured, the results will also get better over time.

Now, let’s cover exactly how it increases your bottom line.

READ MORE: How to Plan an SEO Campaign that Works?

#Technical SEO forms the foundation

For your web pages to perform well in search, search engines must be able to crawl your site.

On the technical side, or on-page SEO, this means building a good site structure and HTML markup.

Also, not forgetting schema markup and social metadata.

Besides content, your website’s structure plays an integral role in how Google crawls and indexes it. We recommend “siloing” (see below) your content when structuring your site.

This strategy helps to keep it strictly focused around your site’s theme and gives you leeway to build up related content for that constant flow of SEO juice to your main pages.

‘Silo’ in terms of SEO refers to the website’s internal linking structure. For instance, segregating your services or products in their respective areas, creating virtual silos within your site.

#Detailed buyer personas shape the focus

It’s no question that identifying who your ideal customers are is critical.

That way, you can shape the content on your site and cultivate tailored messaging that will resonate with your users.

During keyword research, you should note the weight of action-oriented keywords as they focus on buyer intent.

Moreover, your keyword strategy should include a variety of high volume search queries, brand terms, and sometimes even targeted brand or product names associated with your competitors.

Credit: WordStream

Detailed buyer personas shape the focus

#Competitor analysis forge the strategy

Unsurprisingly, competitive analysis is the backbone of successful SEO campaigns.

Your competitors are most likely working on similar strategies, and by looking into what they’re doing, you can shortcut your way and understand the processes that work for them.

There are many SEO tools you can use to surveil your competitors, such as Ahrefs.

SEO specialists you employ will likely use a combination of tools to thoroughly audit your competitors’ websites, digging into their link profiles and keyword usages.

Keep in mind that tools alone won’t help you solve everything.

You may still need someone with an intimate understanding of how search works to recognise trends and adequately analyse the information to propose actionable strategies.

Campaign performance tracks progress progress

Of course, performance is nothing without measurement.

There are several metrics to track, and a good SEO company would proactively send reports for you to see your rankings.

One way to track your progress is through Google Analytics. There, you can check your search engine traffic, which gives you a concrete picture of whether your SEO services are effective.

By visiting the Audience Overview screen, you can click on ‘Add Segment’ and click the ‘Organic Traffic’ option.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of what you can do with GA.

READ MORE: SEO Checklist: Are You Getting The Most Out of Your Blog?

Campaign performance tracks progress progress

What are some Real Examples?

Walk Production is a Malaysia SEO Company that specialises in all things SEO.

Allow us to pull some real-world examples of successful SEO campaigns from our portfolio to show you how they can boost sales.

1. Industrial Fan Rental Company

One of our clients is an industrial fan rental service that has been in the market for years.

However, their outdated website failed to be indexed by Google, which limited their audience reach and search rankings.

Walk Production ran a complete website audit, optimising their content, removing broken links, and building quality and relevant links monthly.

In addition, we conducted on-page SEO to optimise web speed, user interface, page content and meta descriptions. 

Within a short six months, the optimised website had generated over 30 new leads for the company.

Their web traffic even experienced a 600% increase, with pages ranking on the first page on Google.

2. Property Management Firm

Our client is a property management firm that had zero records in Google.

Having to compete with major players in the industry, they needed to increase brand awareness to reach more potential customers.

We devised an SEO strategy that comprised improving site navigation, developing engaging content and meta descriptions, and monthly link-building.

Also, Walk Production produced quality and relevant articles every month to drive more organic web traffic.

This move ultimately converted readers to potential customers, as the company has since gained over 40 new leads.

The numbers are impressive considering the high competitiveness of the property market.

3. Food Delivery Company

We’re confident you know this one, especially since EMCO restricted dine-ins.

Our client, a food delivery company sought to rank higher on search engines and increase web traffic.

In turn, we delivered. Walk Production successfully elevated customer engagement and brand awareness through on-page SEO and a managed food blog with optimised articles and appropriate keywords.

Consequently, we saw a whopping 1000% increase in web traffic, an all-time high record within only nine months.

READ MORE: 5 Successful SEO Case Study Malaysia 2020 with Real Results

Should You Pay for SEO Services?

If you hope to attract more customers online but can’t do the work yourself, investing in SEO is worth it. After all, search traffic converts way better than any other channel.

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