Logomark vs Wordmark: Understanding the Key Differences

by | Branding

Are you looking to create a new logo design for your business or organisation? If so, you may be wondering what the differences are between a logomark and a wordmark

This is actually a great question because many people use the terms interchangeably when there is quite a difference. In this blog post, we will explain the key differences between a logomark and a wordmark so that you can make an informed decision on brand identity.

Keep reading to learn more!

A Logo Is A Graphical Representation, While A Logomark Is A Symbol

Logos and logo marks are two of the most recognisable elements used to represent a company. 

A logo is an important part of distinguishing a company from competitors. It provides a graphical representation that allows consumers to quickly recognise the logo and immediately connect it with the company’s products and services. 

It reflects the company’s brand identity, purpose, and mission statement through its design. One of the famous examples is Starbucks’ iconic logo which features the Starbucks Siren.

On the other hand, a logomark is a simple symbol used to represent the company without any accompanying text or graphics. 

Logomarks are often minimalist, so as to make them easy for customers to remember. Apple’s iconic logo of just a bitten apple is the perfect example of a simple logomark.

All in all, logos and logomarks provide a powerful visual tool that allows companies to stay easily recognisable among customers.

What Is A Wordmark?

Wordmarks are an important tool for businesses, providing distinct visual identity and helping to increase brand recognition. 

A wordmark is a word or phrase that encapsulates the essence of a company’s identity, typically written with a unique font or style and establishes a memorable identity such as Google. 

The wordmark may stand alone as its own logo, or be combined with a graphical element or mark. 

By having an iconic wordmark that stands out, companies can create an eye-catching look for their products that remain recognisable even when presented without any additional graphics. The wordmark should be used consistently across branding efforts to ensure it becomes ingrained into the customer’s mind.

Ultimately, wordmarks are key components of effective branding.

Logos Can Be Either Abstract Or Literal, While Wordmarks Are Always Literal.

Logos come in many different forms, but can essentially be broken down into two main types – abstract or literal. Abstract logos generally take on shapes, colours, and other design elements in order to convey meaning indirectly. 

A great example would be the Spotify logo, which is vibrant in colour and therefore eye-catching to the audience. It uses a bright green colour with three lines in the middle that represents sound waves. 

Meanwhile, literal logos are more straightforward, often incorporating an illustrative symbol or words into the imagery that directly references the organisation’s name or its mission.

Wordmarks, however, only incorporate typefaces to represent their brand rather than any figurative or graphical elements. They consist of just the name written out in a stylised font and always remain literal. 

Logomarks Are More Complex Than Wordmarks

Logomarks are usually more complex than wordmarks, as they often involve illustrations or graphics that incorporate multiple colours and elements. 

Such a more complex nature aims to encapsulate a brand’s values, ethos, products, and services in a single visual. Logomarks go beyond just being a representation of a company name; they also create an aesthetic appearance that resonates with the target audience. 

Besides, logomarks play a major role in building trust and loyalty between brands and customers, so it is important that they look professional and convey the right message when designing them.

Wordmarks Are Less Expensive Than Logomarks

In general, wordmarks are a cost-effective solution for small businesses and organisations such as SMEs that need to establish a visual identity. 

Wordmarks require less design work than logomarks because they generally include only a typeface with no symbols or images. Compared to logomarks, they are simpler and less flashy, but since they are basic but strong, they tend to last longer than logomarks.

Wordmark design can certainly be challenging, however, since it needs to convey the right message and representation of the brand with very few elements. 

Taking this all into consideration, wordmarks are usually much less expensive to create than logos while still allowing businesses or organisations to define their brand presence with style and poise.


The importance of logomarks and wordmarks for businesses cannot be overstated. 

They are visual representations of a company that creates an immediate impression and can have lasting effects on customers and prospects. It is important to create a logomark or wordmark that resonates with your target audience and accurately reflects who you are as a business. 

A comprehensive understanding of the differences between the two is key. This is because they each serve different purposes based on what best suits your brand identity. 

Wordmarks are usually a more affordable option than logos due to their simpler design requirements. However, a memorable logomark may be the right choice if it can effectively convey your unique identity.

Ultimately, creating a strong wordmark or logomark that resonates with your target audience should be an important step when building out an effective branding strategy

So don’t wait any longer. Create a strong wordmark or logomark today to get yourself one step closer to successfully growing your business!

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