Rebranding Guide: Rebranding Guide for Malaysia’s Companies

by | Branding

Did you know that even famous companies fail with their rebranding strategies

For example, about 44% of Uber’s International fanbase was unsure what their newly rebranded logo represented.

But, any Internationally renowned company is aware that the recipe to successful branding lies in the harmony of great strategy, attention to detail, and appropriate eye-catching designs.  

That’s right, any business is susceptible to the demise of bad rebranding strategies- even you.

However, the perfect combination is still a secret that requires ample consideration and even experimentation. 

The complexities of a perfect brand identity can be a headscratcher, especially for the many newbie businesses in Malaysia.

Although the many aspects are a hassle to reconsider, this rebranding guide has everything the average Malaysian business owner needs for rebranding!  

I’m Thinking Of Rebranding

This article will make rebranding a walk in the park, but every company must first assess whether rebranding is the right direction. 

If a company suffers from issues such as slow sales or low brand awareness, rebranding strategies may not be suitable.  

In fact, these struggles can be potentially resolved by new digital marketing strategies or by conducting appropriate market research.

3 Common Yet Wrong Reasons To Rebrand

1. Saving Your Company’s Reputation 

SME owners are not immune to the mistakes of bad brand decisions, which may result in public backlash. 

Bad coverage from the press or a reputation dented by consumers is a situation any brand wishes to avoid!

Thus, it may seem tempting to rebrand for a “fresh start”, but it is not as simple as it seems.

Consumers and employees can easily see through any cover-up.  It won’t be long before people start labeling it as an attempt to run away from problems!

2. Seeking Publicity 

Perhaps the company’s sales aren’t profiting, or there is a lack of visibility.  The decision to rebrand may seem fitting to generate attention.

But the most you will garner from rebranding is short-term attention.  

Any company aims to form a lasting impression that successfully cements the company’s identity

Unless the company’s issues are appropriately dealt with, you will face the same problems in the long run.

3. Influence From Trends 

FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) can also affect companies due to ever-changing trends. You might feel that your company doesn’t reflect the current trends.  

However, circumstances like these are ordinary and don’t require a complete rebrand.

In fact, any company should be flexible in adapting to changes by making adjustments and assessing necessary strategies to cope with challenges.


Rebranding is being considered due to missions, values, aims, or a market that no longer reflects your brand. Then, rebranding is the right decision!

The 5-Minute Read On Rebranding

1. Researching Your Brand’s Audience And Market 

Researching every nook and cranny of your market audience is an essential first step in determining your actions for rebranding. 

It is important to understand the lacking aspects of your brand and the advantages to leverage on. 

You might even discover a demographic you weren’t aware your brand could engage with!

Casesbywf by Multimedia University graduate, Ain Nurina, is a good example.  In 2021, the phone case brand underwent an identity change into “Loucase”.

It was revealed that the founder discovered that the former name was difficult to recall.  Thus, Ain Nurina decided on a name change that could still represent the nature of her local business. 

In fact, the name “Loucase” is a playful take on the word “lukis” (drawing in Malay), and it perfectly represents her business as a Malaysian brand.  

2. Committing To The Brand’s Principles 

All brands have a stance that they commit to. It can range from simple concepts of inclusivity to nonconformity.

Therefore, brands must commit to their stand and adopt it as their identity.

Hiredly used to be named as WOBB in the past, and they’re a well-known job-seeking service.  

However, the company discovered that WOBB was associated with the public perception that they only catered to fresh graduates and entry-level work. Thus, there was a need to rebrand in a redefined direction.

After all, Hiredly is a job-seeking platform aiming to cater to everyone.

They rebranded into a website where applicants of all levels could navigate with better UI, in-house headhunting, and improved job search parameters.

3. Redefining Your Brand’s Slogan 

Slogans are part of the brand’s “face” that carries the ideals and mission of the brand.

A good slogan can effortlessly convey the entire mission and vision of a brand in a mere sentence!

Therefore, there is no doubt that an effective slogan is fundamental. Your brand might suffer from ineffective slogans that don’t capture the entire company.

Hiredly is a great example of a simple yet impactful slogan.

Their website has a slogan that goes: “Find the right job for you.” and it is sufficient wording for the consumer to understand the aim of Hiredly.

However, the decision to choose a suitable slogan can be a challenging feat.

You might be on the fence due to a slogan that is too commonly used, or it doesn’t feel as impactful as it should be.

Fortunately, there are multiple directions you can approach as a starting point for a new slogan: 

  • A, Metaphoric Slogans (Example: Easy Like Pie) 
  • B, Make a Claim (Example: Lose 5kg In 30 Hours) 
  • C, Poetic Slogans (Example: It’s Never Too Late To Start Because There’s Always A Tomorrow) 
  • D, Compliments (Example: Clothing That Fits Your Beautiful Self) 
  • E, Instructions (Example: It’s Time To Get Cooking) 

4. Conveying The Brand As A Full Experience 

A brand shouldn’t be presumed as a combination of a logo, slogans, and typefaces. The true depth of a brand includes the experience that the company can offer.

It is important that the owner identify the definition of their company’s experience.  It can be a taxi service in the most luxurious cars or a service that answers the client 24/7 with efficient speed.

If you can identify and define your brand’s experience, it would be beneficial to leverage it.  

Dahmakan is a local brand co-founded by Jonathan Weins, Jessica Li, and Christian Edelmann as a healthy food cloud kitchen.

This platform specializes in offering a nutritious menu for its consumers through its delivery-only service.

However, it was decided that “Dahmakan” didn’t convey the entirety of the service’s purpose. 

Thus, Dahmakan has been renamed Pop Meals.

Jessica Li stated that they felt their new brand name was more suitable for conveying an affordable and exciting product other than just being healthy.

After the rebrand, this cloud kitchen expanded to more locations and now runs in physical stores!

Moreover, they’ve extended their menu beyond just healthy meals. Malaysians could also enjoy their favorite comfort foods.

5. Branding Your Company’s Future Vision 

Whenever a company undergoes a rebranding, it is important to emphasize the envisioned image of the company.

Your newly rebranded company shouldn’t represent how it currently is. In fact, it should communicate the purpose you envision the brand.  

Dunkin Donuts is the best example of a brand that partially redefined its brand.  With fierce competitors such as Starbucks and Krispy Kreme, it felt necessary to reinvent Dunkin Donuts’ identity.

Dunkin Donuts felt a need to re-establish itself in the market as a brand that was more than just donuts.

Thus, they created a new aim that revolved around the concept of premier beverages and delicious donuts on the go.

Although they retained their iconic colours, their logo was vastly reduced to just “Dunkin”. 

Their elimination of the word “Donuts” was a simple yet effective solution in conveying a brand that was more than just donuts.

6. Redefining Your Brand’s Values, Mission, Vision, and Logo 

The easiest step is also the most crucial step in the rebranding guide.  Simple questions like “What is your purpose?  Why is this your purpose?  How are you achieving it?” are staples in assessing the necessary changes. 

Multiple aspects should be reconsidered when rebranding is brought into discussions: 

A, Vision 

A brand vision is one of the most important pivots in the foundations of a company because it creates a “direction”.  It is crucial to identify a vision that suits your company.

Sometimes, your brand isn’t working well because its former vision doesn’t quite suit the current circumstances of your company!  

B, Mission 

A mission defines the purpose of your company’s services.  Your brand’s mission goes hand-in-hand with your vision by supplementing a purpose to help you navigate toward your vision.  

A brand’s mission can be as simple as “Healthy food anytime and anywhere” or “Fresh produce with just a click”.  

C, Values

Values dictate the reason why your company has adopted its vision and mission.  It is the knife that applies your bread and butter.  

Your values should always reflect the principles that your company exercises.  

D, Logo 

Logos are the face of any brand, and they should represent the aspects of a brand. 

It is the first element that any consumer sees before learning of vision, mission, and values.

Thus, the logo should convey the brand’s purpose as much as possible in the most concise way.  An ineffective logo will only fail to impact consumers at a glance.

A famous logo example is Malaysia’s 65th National Day logo which received criticism from netizens worldwide.

The style of the minimalist logo was criticized for being “Lazy” and didn’t reflect the themes of the occasion. In fact, it even received a redesign from a local netizen!

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